Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's all thanks to AFS.

We have arrived in France and are at Chuck's house. Chuck was an AFS student of our good friend's the Legras family, just this last year. His father was an AFS exchange student, his family hosted an AFS student as well. AFS has really changed our lives. Even if our only involvement had been to host our first student, our daughter Gesi, it has had a big impact. As it is, it has created far more wide reaching impacts and such a joy to be able to visit them.

We will get to see an outdoor market soon with actual French cheese! Then into Paris, Chuck lives just on the edge of Paris proper. The boys ate their first French croissant and pan au chocolate.  L says he liked the edges, they were crispy and really delicious, better than any of the ones I have ever tasted. We also got to taste homemade marmalade made with bitter orange, quite nice.