Sunday, August 11, 2013

Paris, attempt number 2

We were going to go to Paris yesterday but both boys ended up not feeling so well so we had a rest day here (pretty sure it was the start of the anti-malaria medicine). Chuck did take us to a great indoor market here in the morning (in his little neighboring town) that I LOVED. On the way home from the market is when I thought I'd better wait and see how the eldest felt. By the time he felt a touch better the other was not so good.

Along those lines many of you have asked how the post concussion is going. He is fine. Until yesterday ('run of the mill' migraine or reaction to anti-malaria meds?) and a little head 'throb' today (which I think was low blood sugar and over stimulation)  but beyond that he is really good. He is mad at being limited to no bike tours and no amusement park like rides.

I somehow got these pictures loaded on here out of order and I am not going to try to fix it. The kids and I did go into Paris today! We didn't even get lost there or back.
We did not try this goat cheese that was at the town's market. Chuck's sister did bring home 3 types of cheese today from where she works a day (or two?) a week. I don't know the proper names of them but they were good. 

This type of thing is exactly why I love the markets. My children were NOT happy with me taking this picture. I also am limiting myself to TWO market pictures only.

Chuck's house is on the Marne river, this was in front of his neighbor's. Everything about it seemed so 'FRENCH'.

There is a bridge near Notre Dame (as shown in L's picture's) where lovers can lock a lock, but this isn't it. It's one next to it.

In Paris.
Sometimes there are moments of sweet brotherly love. Here they are sitting at the edge of the Seine river that runs through Paris.
Interesting juxtaposition of old and new with the modern art fountain, mural, and cathedral.
Bunny Huggins hat meets a talking gnome exhibit at the Center Pomidou Museum in Paris.

Chuck's mother made us a really lovely meal our first night here. They served a pate that is a mix of goose liver and pork, which they eat almost daily. I told the boys it was pate and to try some, they didn't ask for any elaboration so I didn't offer any. They both loved it. Then Levin found a big chunk of liver and asked 'What is this?'. I said 'Eat it then we will talk about it.'. When he ate it I asked him what he thought it was and he guessed Gizard and I said Liver. He slowed down or maybe stopped after that.

Super yummy filled and baked tomatoes, Chuck said it was one his most favorite of his mother's dishes and I see why (or taste why) it was AMAZING.

On a historical note it's interesting to be in a city so very, very steeped in history. Where you can be at a site that had a building on it as far back as 52 BC and then by the area where 2,780 people were condemned to death by guillotine including Marie-Antoniette. Then bars and cafes that have been open for so long they have served a long and impressive list of artists and philosophers, which I won't list. It so makes me wish I could remember more of my history and art history. As it is the boys have said more than once 'No! Don't start a lecture'.