Saturday, August 17, 2013

Last of the Paris pictures

Best French onion soup any of us ever had, hands down.

Chuck the boys and I went to the Eiffel Tower. Waited to buy tickets (I know I should have pre-bought but won't go into all that) this is waiting for the second floor elevator up. Jackassery happens when you have two excited bothers waiting in lines for hours.

At the top with Chuck! Yes, it was cold.

Paris at night from the top.

Starting at 10 the tower lights up every hour. This was the midnight 'twinkle'.

I forced the boys on a pilgrimage to best bakery in Paris. Pierre Herme (Thanks to the 'best' baker in SF telling me so) and it was very good. 

I was suckered by Barbapapa, SUCKERED I tell you. I loved these books as a child and he came out of France (means cotton candy. Side notes- I got excited when I saw a cotton candy booth with the name written on it) so the merchandising is around. Normally I would NEVER buy this fake looking substance but the kids were thirsty and we fell for the cute glass bottle. Later they were outside dying of thirst and O tasted it then said 'Here L, taste it' (maybe always a bad sign when one thirsty brother eagerly shares after one small sip?) he whispered in my ear 'It is pure syrup'. L then gagged on it and said 'It is clogging my throat!'. Someone more observant (I am surprised I didn't notice) would see the viscosity of this drink and that is clearly was not that of juice and if you read French you may have also picked up on the fact that it was not at all juice.  Not the first time we made a mistake not being able to read something but that story will come later. Since it was August 15th, a national holiday, it took us 5 million years to find bottled water to buy because everything was closed and of course there are no drinking fountains.